Your Child’s Future
Starts Here.
Cultivating confident and creative builders of the future, our diverse community nurtures values that create social responsibility and mutual respect.
Our School
Our school’s mission is to cultivate confident and creative builders of the future. We prepare a developmentally appropriate environment that enables individual learning styles following the philosophy of Maria Montessori. Our diverse community nurtures values that create social responsibility and mutual respect, enhanced by a strong partnership between school and home.
Whole Child
Our environment supports the cognitive, social, emotional and physical developmental needs of each child. 
Hands On
Children learn best when using concrete materials in understanding abstract concepts. 
Individualized Learning
Individualized learning plans encourages children to pursue their unique talents and gifts. 
Child Driven
Children work at their own pace, fulfilling their individual goals while developing self-management skills. 
Our approach
Our Programs
What We’re Up To
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